The Apron of White Leather

The apron of white leather, made of lamb skin, is a distinguishing badge worn by every member of the Masonic Order, and without which no brother can be admitted within the portals of a Lodge, nor allowed to take part in any Masonic procession of solemnity. The Apprentice is invested with it on his reception into the Order, and it is worn by those who have attained the higher degrees, and by all those who fill the most dignified offices. An apron is worn by operative masons to preserve their garments from stain; and thus, in speculative Masonry, the apron reminds us that we must keep ourselves from moral defilement; or in the figurative language of the Holy Scripture, must keep our garments white and keep ourselves unspotted from the world. White is a color which has always been considered as emblematic of purity and joy. The apron is made of lamb-skin because the lamb has in all ages been recognized as the emblem of innocence, and was therefore chosen by God Himself to be offered to Him in sacrifice, as a type of great propitiatory sacrifice, the Lamb of God – the Lamb without blemish and without spot, that taketh away the sin of the world. The Mason’s apron is, therefore, not only a symbol ever reminding him of the duty of maintaining to the utmost possible degree Purity of heart and Purity of life, and of ever seeking greater perfection in both, but also of propitiation for sin, and the pardon ready to be granted to every one who seeks it in the way appointed. It thus inspires him to work with hope, and that hope further encourages to further endeavors after those attainments which will make him a good man and a good Mason, exercising an influence for good amongst all around him – in the Lodge, in his own family, and it all the relations of life.

Fitly is the newly admitted Apprentice enjoined, in the charge addressed to him after his investiture with the apron, that he is never to put on that badge if at variance with any brother who may be in the Lodge. This rule not only secures that the Lodge shall not be disturbed by unseemly strife, but tends to keep brethren from quarreling, and to make them anxious for reconciliation when differences do arise, thus promoting that brotherly love which is the great duty of Freemasons continually to cherish and display. The Mason’s lambskin apron always tells him that his mind should be filled with good thoughts and his heart with good feelings, with sentiments of piety and benevolence. It is an honorable Badge, which many of the greatest men have delighted to wear, and it ought to be the earnest desire of every Mason that he should never disgrace it, but on the contrary may every day become more worthy of it.

The Color Blue

Blue is the symbol of truth and universality, and we have seen how it was therefore much used by Divine command, and in the vestments of the Jewish priests. It is the color appropriate to the First Three Degrees, or Ancient Craft Masonry, and the curtains, cushions, etc. of a Lodge are therefore blue. This color naturally suggests the thoughts of the blue sky and the blue sea; of their vast extent, their profound depths, those of the sky being absolutely without limit; of their changelessness throughout the lapse of ages, though clouds may sometimes for a while obscure the sky, and the storms agitate the surface of the sea. There is much to engage the mind and much to affect the heart in the thought of the perfect stillness of the ocean depths, to which the power of the most fearful storms never reaches; and of the ever unbroken repose of the illimitable space beyond the clouds, where the orbs of heaven always shine in pure and serene majesty. Such thoughts carry away the mind from the world and its vicissitudes and cares to the better country. Nor is this all. The color that symbolizes truth and universality teaches us to maintain truth in our relations to God Himself and to our fellow man, and it teaches us that our charity ought to be extended to the entire human race. Truth in our relation to God is, in other words, sincerity and earnestness in religion, implying a continual cultivation of its graces, and a constant endeavor to discharge all its duties. Truth, in relation to our fellow-men, implies nor only the avoidance of all falsehood in speech, but of all that savors of deceit in our conduct, uprightness in all our dealings, a perfect and unimpeachable honesty, such that our own conscience may have nothing of which to accuse us, even in transactions the true character of which only God and ourselves can discern.

The Cable Tow

The Cable Tow is explained as follows:

“I drew them with the cords of a man, with bonds of love.”

Hosea, xi 4.

The Cable Tow is thus a symbol of the cord of bond of Love, which should unite the whole fraternity. Its length or the length of your Cable Tow is the sacrifice you are willing to make on behalf of your brethren. It is in your heart, not to be measured by miles. It is not gauged by distances, but by deed. It should correspond to the immensity of the monitorial lodge, and to do so should span the earth, touching wherever there is sorrow or distress.

In Masonry we have many symbols for the few grand principles upon which it is founded – Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. As we get away from the letter and discern the spirit, which lies behind, we have unfolded to us a new and intensely interesting science, and as we mould our lives upon our new understanding of Masonry, we become better Masons, and as a consequence better men.


Does Freemasonry pay? What advantage has a man who is a Mason over his neighbor who is not a member of the fraternity? These and other related questions are quite likely to be asked of one’s self, even if they are not put into the form of words, and expressed in private or public speech.

This is a practical age. It applied the test of profitableness to almost everything of human acquisition and use, and it raises the question of value in regard to man’s present existence, asking whether life itself is worth having – whether it pays to maintain the moral being against the trials and troubles which must be encountered. There is a mighty army of disappointed and dejected people, quiet ready to declare that there is no value in life – no good in anything. Out of the ranks of such as these come the recruits for madness, and for suicide.

We pity the morbid ones, so sad and so reckless. We say to them that the gift of life is a precious boon – worth living through and through as God gives it and marks the way for its expression.

Happy are they who get life rightly focused, so as to estimate its true value. Then will they have respect for those faculties of mind, heart and soul, which constitute man’s highest endowment, and by exercise of which he not only makes his life useful, but also derives for himself the utmost of strength, satisfaction and peace. Those who belong to this class are disposed to make the most and best of present being, while they are always looking for a brighter light to shine upon their way, and a more exceeding glory to be disclosed. These, rightly numbered among the workers, the leaders, the helpers in our human world, will make willing declaration, out of their own experience, that it does pay to oppose evil, to struggle for the right, to cultivate the nobler attributes of being, and to recognize the claims of related life.

When men of this stamp pass within the lines of Freemasonry they are not likely to be disappointed. They will find enough in the institution to justify the expenditure of thought, time, and money, requisite for active and intelligent membership in the fraternity. They will testify that Freemasonry does pay; that it has profit not to be reckoned in material values, but in benefits, which constitute an abiding property of life.

Not long since a worthy Craftsman, who has held membership in lodge, chapter and Commandery for almost half a century, said to the present writer: “Freemasonry has blessed and enriched my life. I have made no money by my Masonic connections. I have never been obliged to ask for any aid on Masonic grounds, but I believe that I am both a better and happier man to-day because of my long and active identification with the Institution.” Most heartily we endorse the words of our venerable friend. We have profit in Freemasonry. It has been of benefit to the writer by bringing him into pleasant relations with good men and true, giving him a place in a community of mutual interests, and opening the way for the establishment of enduring friendships. The observance of its rites and ceremonies has been suggestive and interesting; and to witness Masonic work well done is none the less pleasant now than it was years ago. Its profit has been realized by a study of its principles, and by an effort to apply its truths to the formation of characters, and to the conduct of life. It has been an inspiration and a benefit in many ways, as the writer has sought a better acquaintance with the history of the institution and the evolution of its great system of moral ideas and fraternal purposes. It has augmented the rest of life, deepened faith in the eternal verities, and made more evident the truth of the solidarity of the human race.

What profit has Freemasonry? Much profit, and in various ways, when rightly understood and applied, being judged by the tests, which determine the higher values. Freemasonry pays the thoughtful, faithful Craftsman, not in the wages of the world’s current coin, but in what quickens the affections, exalts the aspirations, broadens and blesses the life, thus providing a social, intellectual and moral incitement for a strong and useful brotherhood.


Every young man ought to belong to some first-class fraternal organization. In no way can he gain so many substantial advantages, mentally, morally and financially, at so small a cost of time or money as by forming such a connection. The teachings he will receive in the lodge room are of a high and ennobling character. It is line upon line, precept upon precept; and not only this, but he will see numberless instances of the practical application of the lessons taught. Men naturally love to see a noble act well performed, and love to feel, in its performance, they have had something to do. Human nature is not altogether bad. It is safe that 999 out of 1,000 would prefer to do a good act rather than a bad one, all other things being equal. But all men abhor hypocrisy, and moral lessons supplemented by immoral practices bear the sure fruits of iniquity. If there is any class of organizations under the sun that practice what they preach, it is fraternal societies. It is almost impossible for a young man to grow up surrounded by fraternal influences without becoming a better man because of the fact.

The lodge room is a good school. It teaches how to conduct debates, the value of discipline, the strength of combined numbers, social customs, mutual dependence, and the necessity of promptitude and fidelity in the discharge of every duty. Moreover, it accustoms one to public addresses and ceremonials, and if a person is so inclined, it affords the best possible means to acquire the art of oratory. Thousands of our best speakers today got their first and most valuable lessons in the lodge room.

The benefit one gets, financially, by lodge membership, is usually of an indirect character, rather than otherwise. It does not come in the way of wages, or contributions for his individual benefit, unless perchance, to guard him or his against actual want; but it comes in the way of a wide and valuable acquaintance that afford him an opportunity to help himself, when otherwise he might be a stranger in a strange land. It gives him the advantage of confidence when else there would be distrust. A good name is better than gold or precious stone, but a good name is only valuable where its possessor is known.

For Week Of November 11th

Welcome Brethren and guests to The Lodge Room, a new Web site that I truly hope will serve as a valuable resource of information on Freemasonry for those in the craft and for those who are just curious.

In the winter of 1992 I took that first regular step in Masonry that all entered apprentices take. Today nearly a decade later, I sit in the West counting the days until I will serve as Master of my Mother Lodge, Moira Lodge A.F. & A.M. #11 G.R.C.

Much has changed in the craft in the 10 years I’ve been privileged to be a member. Many of the men I admired in my early steps have passed to the Grand Lodge Above during that time and many new members have joined who have become friends as well as Brothers. Some of these men both living and deceased have left a mark on the craft and some of their words are contained in this site.

What has not changed in my eyes, is the need for a repository of Masonic knowledge and education. It amazes me to no end that a Fraternity built on Religious tolerance is so often attacked by the religiously intolerant.

To this end, I hope that this Web site with its growing supply of articles and information will shed light on the True purposes and ideals of Freemasonry, the world’s oldest fraternal organization.

I invite all visitors to this Web site to look at the Back to Basics section and to remember the lessons we all learned be it only last night or years ago when we entered the craft.

Until Next Week, Fraternally Yours

Brother Stephen Dafoe

The Web Masters Address


We have been a little slow lately in getting new articles added to the site. This is largely due to the summer holidays and the pressing needs of my own garden. This week I’ve added a few new pieces, which I hope you will enjoy.

The Masonic fraternity, it is said, is a Brotherhood of Men under the Fatherhood of God. But how well do we really get to know our Brother Masons. Sure we may be well aware of what they are like in lodge, what ritual work they can and cannot do, but do we take the time to really get to know them.

This week I had the wonderful opportunity while attending, or rather not attending Grand Lodge, to get to know a few of my Brethren personally. I’ve put the thoughts in this week’s column entitled, “Fellowship without formality.

I hope you enjoy this week’s article.

W. Brother
Stephen Dafoe